

How to change the TopLogic website to English:

2023-04-05 14:20
How to change the TopLogic website to English:
You can access the English version of the website by selecting the "EN" button located in the top right corner of the homepage.

TopLogic specializes in resolving internet-related issues as a digital undertaker. With professional skills and knowledge, we remove illegal posts and videos on all sites, including domestic and foreign portals, corporate-operated sites, and individual-operated sites, to solve problems such as personal information leaks and defamation quickly and accurately. If deletion requests are not met, we also block access to prevent illegal content leakage.

In addition to internet issue resolution, TopLogic provides professional marketing consulting services. We offer a variety of marketing consulting services, from developing marketing strategies for personal information protection to regulating search exposure and executing platform-specific content creation and advertising.

We strive to minimize customer damage and become a companion who walks together towards the future. You can contact us for consultations and inquiries through our website or KakaoTalk.

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